As Alice exclaimed to the Queen of Hearts, “You’re nothing but a pack of cards!” How accurately that describes the last few years of my life! This “pack of cards”, this amor fou, was imagined, championed, designed and refined into The Crystal Wind Oracle by Antonio DeLiberato of Crystal Wind.ca and Creative Inceptions. My gratitude is boundless. Being part of this project, over the years, was like discovering a crystal fountain in a garden and drinking the waters there. This luminous cup of inspiration is passed on to you.
Years ago my great cousin Carol introduced me to the world of symbols and divination in a funky apartment over a bakery on Jarvis St., Fort Erie. My first deck lay under a fragrant Christmas tree, a gift from my beautiful Mother. They have both crossed over and this deck is humbly offered in remembrance. I pray to have fulfilled an unspoken family promise, whether it was through a love of art or a desire to look beyond the temporal.
As it was the case for Alice,
It was all a curious dream
Of cards - a precious fantasy
To witness the unseen.
The Crystal Wind Oracle Myth & Magic Card Deck!
Get It Here: http:/oracle.crystalwind.ca
New card layouts and designs! All messages on cards have been re-channeled and re-written where applicable for greater clarification or added information.
58 cards to guide you on your earthwalk journey!
3 types of readings 1, 3 or 5 card layout instructions included!
Get It Here! http:/oracle.crystalwind.ca
More Info Here: http://www.crystalwind.ca/crystal-wind-oracle-cards
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